Laser Treatment for Back Pain: A Safe Alternative to Spinal Injections
Integrated Pain Solutions offers alternative back pain treatment amidst fears of meningitis outbreak.
There’s been an extraordinary outbreak going on over the past few months here in the United States: cases of fungal meningitis, a rare illness, primarily caused by Exserohilum rostratum, a plant pathogen that is equally rare as a cause of human infections.
So far, 541 people, in 19 states, have been made ill by the infection and 36 have died since the beginning of October. The cause has been traced to contaminated steroid injections that are taken for pain relief. More than 14,000 people are believed to have received the shots.
Fear of this deadly outbreak has caused many patients to seek out a safer alternative to spinal injections for pain. I’ve talked to many people who’ve had numerous injections in the past and are now weighing the risks against the mixed success they’ve had as far as pain relief.
I recommend that patients with chronic neck and low back pain or arthritis consider High Intensity Laser Therapy (or HILT). Integrated Pain Solutions has a 60 Watt, Class 4 Medical Grade therapeutic laser that has shown tremendous success in treating chronic pain and arthritis without the risk of invasive injections or surgery.
HILT delivers a soothing, healing light energy to the root of the pain and is unique in its ability to penetrate through bone, soft tissues, and muscle to treat tissues at the cellular level. HILT can penetrate up to 4 inches deep to reduce pain, minimize swelling, and soften scar tissue.
Dr Curt Draeger adminsters Laser treatment on back pain patient
High Intensity Laser Therapy
But what’s most impressive about HILT, is that does more than just mask the symptoms of the pain. It actually resets the chronic pain cycle and speeds healing at the cellular level. Let me explain, HILT boosts your immune system to encourage cell regeneration. Similar to how a plant converts sunlight into food, the cells of your body convert the laser light into nutrients for your cells. This increases blood flow and metabolic activity which, in turn, stimulates DNA and RNA regeneration – actually healing damaged tissues.
HILT will regenerate all cells that are still alive including bone, ligament, tendon, nerve, and muscle cells. New cell proliferation will allow the target area to build healthy new tissue and to increase the elasticity of scar tissue that is already formed. The laser ultimately decreases pain and swelling enabling the patient to function better throughout daily activities, enhancing their quality of life. In addition to the ability to heal damaged tissue and decrease chronic pain, HILT helps to soften old scar tissue. This makes it a perfect therapy for post-surgical patients with no other options.
I can safely say that 80-90% of our patients who have had High Intensity Laser Therapy, have increased range of motion, significantly decreased pain, and regain their ability to do daily activities within 2 months of beginning treatment. For many, HILT has been an viable alternative to back surgery.
In contrast, spinal injections are used to decrease pain and inflammation only – they do nothing to treat the underlying cause of the pain itself. Therefore, the relief (if any) will always be temporary. And unlike spinal injections which have shown to have a number of side effects, HILT has no known side effects.
Learn more about High Intensity Laser Therapy at Integrated Pain Solutoins click here or call us at 844-200-PAIN (7246).