Dan Geenan

Chronic Knee Soreness

After finding himself with severe knee pain and unable to participate in some of his favorite outdoor activities (such as hiking, hunting, fishing, and snowshoeing), Dan knew he had to get some help. Home remedies like icing and heating his knees weren’t helping. He consulted with some physicians but wasn’t getting the outcomes he hoped for. Dan knew that he didn’t want to have to go through surgery. That’s when he turned to Integrated Pain Solutions and found immediate relief.

Dan found relief in High Intensity Laser Therapy, where he felt immediate results in a process that he described as “quick and easy.” All of this occurred by the time Dan dropped his expectations down to nearly zero because of his inability to find relief anywhere else. He is greatly relieved that he finally found what he needed through Integrated Pain Solutions. “Within about six months, Integrated Pain Solution fixed all my problems,” reported Dan. And because of this, Dan is back to enjoying his beloved outdoors just like he used to.